Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Moses, Tablets, and Drinking the Golden Calf
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sermon about Moses, his early life, and what it meant that he was a prophet.
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Joseph, Favoritism, and Sovereignty
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sermon about Joseph and how what his brothers meant for harm God meant for good.
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Jacob, Wrestling, and Weak Eyes
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
This begin my sermon series on stories of the Bible. We look at Jacob, his wives, his wrestling, and the struggle he had to trust God.
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Insonify Your Life
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
In this short homily, I look at why we praise God with music. Does God need our music, or is it for our benefit? I then look at the impact of music on cheese, and what that means for us.
Thursday May 23, 2019
Dr Tuell teaching Sunday School
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
In this audio, Dr. Steven Tuell teaches a Sunday School class titled "Reading from the Left Hand Side of Your Bible." He goes over common objections to reading the Old Testament and why he thinks Christians should be in that side of the Book.
Thursday May 23, 2019
Dr Steven Tuell- "A to Z"
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
Dr. Steven Tuell came to my church and preached from Isa 65:17-25 and Revelation 21:1-6.
Sunday May 12, 2019
The Life of Mother Mary
Sunday May 12, 2019
Sunday May 12, 2019
For Mothers Day, I take a look at one of the most important mothers of all time--Mary the Mother of Jesus. I take a look at her life, her interactions with Jesus, and how she is an example to us.
Tuesday May 07, 2019
From the Mouth of an Ass
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
We look at the story of Balaam, the prophet for profit. Why does God get mad when Balaam goes to Balak even though God tells him to go? Why does Balaam get so mad at his ass?
Monday Apr 15, 2019
The Meaning of the Cross: Recapitulation and Christus Victor
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Here I talk about the Cross as a recapitulation. According to Romans 5, Jesus retells the story of Adam. He is doing that in our lives, too.
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
The Meaning of the Cross: Coutroom Imagery
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
This sermon unpacks the way the Bible uses legal imagery including judgement, righteousness, the Day of the Lord, the Bema, and the Final Judgement. I use these ideas to talk about what Jesus accomplishes on the cross, which is more than just a legal act, but also an act of reconciliation.
Monday Mar 25, 2019
The Meaning of the Cross: Ransom and Redemption
Monday Mar 25, 2019
Monday Mar 25, 2019
I take a look at the images of ransom and redemption, looking at Old Testament law, the Book of Ruth, images of God as redeemer in the Old Testament, then finally Jesus Christ as redeemer and giving his life as a ransom. I end considering what it means that our lives and the lives of others are so valuable to Christ that he would pay the price of his life for us.
Monday Mar 25, 2019
The Meaning of the Cross: Atonement
Monday Mar 25, 2019
Monday Mar 25, 2019
This sermon begins my 2019 Lent sermon series. I am taking a look at the meaning of Christ's Crucifixion by looking at the metaphors or symbols that the Bible uses to describe what Christ accomplishes on the cross. This sermon introduces the series and looks at the meaning of the term Atonement.
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Shadowlands Pt 6: Hope for the Darkness
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
There is a day coming when all things will be restored. That does not mean that things will just be put back together, but that all the wrongs of the world will be made beautiful. Darkness turns into light. We long for that day, and cling to the hope of that ending until that day comes.
In life, we are sometimes forced to walk through shadowlands. We can get scared, lost, and angry as pain, suffering, and grief surround us. We must learn to understand, navigate, and journey through the valley of the shadow of death. Most importantly, we must remember that we are not alone. Christ is with us and we are with each other.
Pastor Jordan Rimmer will preach the series simultaneous to his friend Pastor Chris Thomas from First Presbyterian Church of Dearborn, MI.
Sunday School curriculum will also be available for the series that was filmed by Pastors Chris and Jordan. You can watch them at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwS2NaLexncln9qUJ4wJhsg.
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Shadowlands Pt 5: Fog in the Darkness
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
After Elijah defeats the prophets of Baal in amazing fashion, his life is threatened. He runs for his life when he should have been most confident. But aren't anxiety and depression just like that? In his weakness, God cares for him and reveals himself in the whisper or still small voice.
In life, we are sometimes forced to walk through shadowlands. We can get scared, lost, and angry as pain, suffering, and grief surround us. We must learn to understand, navigate, and journey through the valley of the shadow of death. Most importantly, we must remember that we are not alone. Christ is with us and we are with each other.
Pastor Jordan Rimmer will preach the series simultaneous to his friend Pastor Chris Thomas from First Presbyterian Church of Dearborn, MI.
Sunday School curriculum will also be available for the series that was filmed by Pastors Chris and Jordan. You can watch them at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwS2NaLexncln9qUJ4wJhsg.
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
Shadowlands Pt 4: Surrendering in the Darkness
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
I begin this sermon talking about Zebras and the impact of stress on the brain. I then turn to the impact of stress on the soul. But God does not take away our stress. He even prays that we would be left in the world. So we have to learn to deal. We have to trust that God can redeem bad situations, trust him to guide our steps, and give ourselves some grace along the way.
In life, we are sometimes forced to walk through shadowlands. We can get scared, lost, and angry as pain, suffering, and grief surround us. We must learn to understand, navigate, and journey through the valley of the shadow of death. Most importantly, we must remember that we are not alone. Christ is with us and we are with each other.
Pastor Jordan Rimmer will preach the series simultaneous to his friend Pastor Chris Thomas from First Presbyterian Church of Dearborn, MI.
Sunday School curriculum will also be available for the series that was filmed by Pastors Chris and Jordan. You can watch them at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwS2NaLexncln9qUJ4wJhsg.
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Shadowlands Pt 3: Dwelling in the Darkness
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Jesus was fully human and understands what we go through, not in an abstract way, but because he feels those things. In the Garden of Gethsemane, he sweat drops of blood from the pain he was anticipating.
A part of the sermon, I refer often to a PowerPoint. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE SLIDES. |
In life, we are sometimes forced to walk through shadowlands. We can get scared, lost, and angry as pain, suffering, and grief surround us. We must learn to understand, navigate, and journey through the valley of the shadow of death. Most importantly, we must remember that we are not alone. Christ is with us and we are with each other.
Pastor Jordan Rimmer will preach the series simultaneous to his friend Pastor Chris Thomas from First Presbyterian Church of Dearborn, MI.
Sunday School curriculum will also be available for the series that was filmed by Pastors Chris and Jordan. You can watch them at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwS2NaLexncln9qUJ4wJhsg.
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Shadowlands Pt 2: Reacting to the Darkness
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Monday Feb 04, 2019
When Jesus comes to see Lazarus, he is late by Martha’s standards. She lets him know so. Is this a lack of faith, or does it show that she has faith Jesus could have healed Lazarus? Maybe our honest laments are more an act of faith than of doubt. |
In life, we are sometimes forced to walk through shadowlands. We can get scared, lost, and angry as pain, suffering, and grief surround us. We must learn to understand, navigate, and journey through the valley of the shadow of death. Most importantly, we must remember that we are not alone. Christ is with us and we are with each other.
Pastor Jordan Rimmer will preach the series simultaneous to his friend Pastor Chris Thomas from First Presbyterian Church of Dearborn, MI.
Sunday School curriculum will also be available for the series that was filmed by Pastors Chris and Jordan. You can watch them at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwS2NaLexncln9qUJ4wJhsg.
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Shadowlands Pt 1: Plunged into Darkness
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Part of the scariest parts of the darkness is the unknown. But God never promised we would understand. He only promised that he will be with us. Maybe we are asking the wrong questions. Job is a book of his friends trying to explain the pain that job goes through, but at the end God rants about how is Job to know. All along, the real answer to why suffering is happening is that God and the devil had a bet. The point is that the answers are unknowable.
In life, we are sometimes forced to walk through shadowlands. We can get scared, lost, and angry as pain, suffering, and grief surround us. We must learn to understand, navigate, and journey through the valley of the shadow of death. Most importantly, we must remember that we are not alone. Christ is with us and we are with each other.
Pastor Jordan Rimmer will preach the series simultaneous to his friend Pastor Chris Thomas from First Presbyterian Church of Dearborn, MI.
Sunday School curriculum will also be available for the series that was filmed by Pastors Chris and Jordan. You can watch them at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwS2NaLexncln9qUJ4wJhsg.
Monday Jan 07, 2019
New Year New Life 2019
Monday Jan 07, 2019
Monday Jan 07, 2019
It is a new year, and with the new year comes new year's resolutions. In this sermon, I take a look at why I think Christians should embrace new year's resolutions, how the principles of succeeding at resolutions are biblical, and how for Christians self-help and success literature get's the process wrong.
Thursday Jan 03, 2019
When all the Bows are Put Away '18
Thursday Jan 03, 2019
Thursday Jan 03, 2019
In this short sermon on the Sunday after Christmas, I talk about the let down after Christmas, and living an Advent faith when all the bows are put away.
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
The Nightmare Before New Years '18
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
In this sermon, I look at the struggles we have experiencing Christmas because we are so busy and consumed by DOING Christmas. I then use Galatians 4 to talk about the importance of the holiday. I conclude with the poem below.
The Nightmare Before New Years by Jordan Rimmer
Twas the Nightmare before New Years, and all through the land
Everyone was stirring, as fast as they can.
The decorations were hung, but were they enough?
Paying off all this credit card debt will be tuff.
The children were tucked in and dreaming upstairs
Of expensive toys that they’ll break and they’ll lose and won’t share.
Mom and I were exhausted, and fell fast asleep
For this was a pace that we just could not keep.
It was snowing outside and starting to pile
In the morning I would have to shovel a while.
Man, was the winter always rough on my back.
And we are travelling this week and didn’t yet pack.
The kids would wake up before the crack of dawn
To open their toys, and all day they will yawn.
Then we’d dash to see family throughout the day
And we’ll eat and we’ll talk while all the kids play.
As the day moves along a smile turns to a frown
Somebody’s bound to have a melt-down.
It might be a kid who didn’t get enough sleep
Or an adult with too many secrets to keep.
Is this really what Christmas is all about?
That we run and we spend and we stress and we shout?
We hustle and bustle and wear ourselves thin.
Is there something more happening that we just won’t let in?
Then we realize with a great amount of fear:
We are going to have do this all again next year?
But bigger, and better, and nicer, and more
More shopping, more cookies, of everything—more.
Or we could choose differently here, you and I.
We could hold on to love and give up the lie
That Christmas is all about presents and stuff
We could look at it differently, but it will be tuff.
Maybe it’s not about presents at all
Or decorations or cookies or sales at the mall.
Maybe the holiday is all about love.
That started with Christ who came from above.
The love that was laid in the manger of hay
Changes the way we love others today.
Maybe this Christmas we can more than get through.
Merry Christmas, I say, and God’s blessings to you.
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
It's a Wonderful Life Sometimes '18
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
One of the challenges of life is that joy and suffering often go together. Love involves risk. The wonderful part of life are not offset by the painful parts, but they go together. I take a look at the testimonies of Simeon and Anna, what this all must have been like for Mary, and what we can learn from them.
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
My Big Fat Dysfunctional Family Christmas '18
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
I take a look at the families of the Christmas story- Zechariah and Elizabeth with John the Baptist and Mary and Joseph with Jesus. Through them I reflect on the struggles that we often feel in our families and relationships during the holidays. Maybe this gives us insight into what it means that Christ brings peace.
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
How the Grinch Stole Advent '18
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
This sermon starts my 2018 Advent sermon series. Here I rework a sermon from a few years ago to talk about the importance of Advent and why I think it is so bad that we are losing it.
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
My Yoke is Easy
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
I take a look at what the image of a Yoke entails and use the words of Jesus to describe the essence of grace.
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
A Theology of Stewardship
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
This is my stewardship Sunday sermon. I try to change the conversation about what it means that we are stewards.
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Reformed, Presbyterian, and Celtic
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
In this sermon given for Reformation Sunday 2018, I take a look at my churches history, especially focused on how we are reformed, Presbyterian, and Celtic. I take a look at Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, and our Celtic roots.
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
The Soldier's Psalm
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
This sermon was delivered for Veteran's Day in 2018. It was a build up to a special communion experience using my father's used field communion kits.
Thursday Nov 08, 2018
The Story Pastor
Thursday Nov 08, 2018
Thursday Nov 08, 2018
This is a keynote I gave at a conference recently. It is an introduction to my ideas about being a Story Pastor. Enjoy.